Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Making a List

This is the time of year that I make lists like a crazy person!  Lists of what I have bought, lists of things I need to buy, list of who gets holiday cards, project lists, cookie lists, menu lists......I could be Santa!!

The project list needs to be organized because it needs to also be in priority order of who I see and when.  Good thing I have been told I may see my nieces on Christmas Eve....other wise the project for one of them might not have been done by then!  

It is raining and I am baking, not a bad gig for a December afternoon.  Now if I just had Mrs. Weasely (sorry to offend those anti-Harry Potter readers) to get my house cleaner.  I'd say tomorrow, but I have a doctor's appointment mid day so that is not very likely!  

Once I am organized I will post the lists of the projects....this week I did get the Cub Scout awards put on their shirts, and the supplies for all of the holiday projects so checking a few things off the lists.....now if I can just find some paper to print the holiday letter on I will be somewhere!

For now it is more cookies and unloading the dishwasher to run a cleaner load through oh the excitement of my Tuesday afternoon!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stacking up....

The projects are stacking up!  Quilts to quilt, tops to piece, projects to organize, felt to cut, jeans to patch, holiday letter to write, holiday cards to address, tree to put up, lights to be bought, ornaments to hang, and to make......

I am pretty sure I could keep going....yep teacher's gifts (dinners) to make, cookies and more cookies.....

Somewhere in all of this crazy I need to remember first that the season is all about family being together....it is fun to have kids to enjoy it with....there are times when I think that my husband and I get more excited then the kids.  

For now it is to work on cutting and folding for a book report project and working on one more quilt top for the afternoon.  ALong with the list making and lift making to keep things organized and me sane, slightly neurotic but mostly sane.

And yes, I think I am back.......

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm BACK.............maybe

Not making any promises, though right now I am enjoying the idea of blogging again.  This is a photo of all the yo-yos I did last school year.  This fall I have done far fewer, for several reasons.  The biggest being I am not waiting as much because buses run slightly differently.  Which actually means I am driving more to make the buses work.  Also the school that the bus stop is at changed things where we wait.  Last year we had a short fence made out of wide pipe that moms sat on, now play grounds need to be completely gated (read able to be locked) so down came our "bench" and up went tall chain link fence.  Also, and in reality the biggest reason....I have been working on a paper pieced hexagon quilt for my future niece.  She should be arriving in the next couple of weeks, it will not be ready....but soon.

This is it just laid out.  Today I will finish the last of the rows....tomorrow I will lay it out and start putting the whole thing together.  I did paint the Cindy Lou (she's due Christmas week) I am also doing some tiny photo transfer for the other Dr. Seuss characters.  It has been a really fun project.  I am still trying to completely decide how to quilt it.  It will not have any writing on it as most of mine do, unless I change my mind that it.  

In case you are questioning my decorating..the edge of a love seat you see is going to be another project.  I am planning to paint the fabric of it, may be the wood too.....but I will get to that.

Enjoy and now that I have begun my holiday crafting I'll have more to talk about....no promises, but I will try.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


3 yoyos (to catch up with one a day)
dishes both  by hand and washer
3 item trip to Aldi
change slightly in the plan of millenium quilt

Now I just feel like I did not accomplish anything....though I did also make and serve 4 breakfasts, 5 lunches and 5 dinners.  That has to count for something right?!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Today on day 4 of summer vacation we made lists....of projects that the boys want to do.  I pulled my kids craft project books and said dog ear what projects you want to do....and Ta-Da we have lists.  Now I did not have them look through an entire bin of magazine pages and ideas plus the multiple boards on Pinterest of projects....but here is the beginning of the list according to 2 8 year olds and a 6 year old!

From The Dangerous Book for Boys
Making a Bow and Arrow
Table Football
Codes & Ciphers
Make a Go-Kart
Making Paper Water Bombs
Study the 50 states
Study Star Maps
Study The Ten Commandments
Learn the Game of Chess (better)
Study The Seven Wonders of the World

From the Star Wars Craft Book
Tooka Doll
Yoda doll
Rotta the Hut Pet toy
Marble Magnets
Han Solo in Carbonite (soap)
Jabba the Hut Body Pillow
Snow Globes
Dagobah Carnivorous Plant Habitat
Wookie Bird House
Character Rings
T- Shirt totes

From BH&Gs Big Book of Kids' Crafts
Color mixing cards
Magnetic puzzle
Watercolor techniques
Rainbow bookworm
Spoon Family Puppets
Rainbow-fish clings
Sparkly Snowflakes
treasure Boxes
Magic Garlands
Paper book covers
Good Manners Napkins
Pilgrim cap place cards
Fingerprint Gift Tags
Happy New Year Crackers
Bloomin' Egg Family
 Stars and Stripes Eggs
Stick Easel
Outdoor Tic-tac-toe
Creepy Crawly Bug Box
Firefly Lights
Beach in a Jar
Nature frame
Bead Worms
Switch plate covers
Crown Jewelry Holder(3 year old's choice)
Sunglass cases
Clay Bead necklaces
Rubber stamping
Cross-Stitch Trinket Box
Rubber Band BAnd

Disney's Family Fun Crafts
Rainbow Crayons
Water Scooper
Cardboard Castle
Paper Bag village
Book Jackets
Storage Boxes
Box Building
Pop-up Paper Collage
Family Collage
Gum Wrapper chains
Paper Boxes
Accordian Books
Paper hats
Craft Dough
Paper Mache
Balloon Pinata
30D frame
Beach footprints
Beeswax Totem pole
Beeswax Castle
Wooden Raft
Stick Figures
Paper Tepee
Sunflower House
Snow Zoo
Sugar Cube Igloo
Life Size doll
Yarn dolls
Corn Dolls
Ice Boats
Puddle Boats
Paper birds
Pasta Planes
Bean bags
Portable Playhouse
Lap top desk
Cup coasters
Tin Can Chimes
Brick bookends
Gift Baskets
Sponge printed eggs
Pencil holder
Reward Jar
Egg Carton Pumpkins

There are still 2 more books.....we'll see where we get in the next 85 days!

Have a great night

Friday, June 1, 2012


Day one of 89 days of summer vacation for my 3 boys.  This was the sky on our adventure last Friday.  

My living room ceiling on Sunday evening.  My house is over 130 years and the plaster in this ceiling is starting to separate.  It would have nothing to do with 3 little boys who have rooms above there and would never jump on or around beds!  It has dry wall covering it now....but all too soon it will all come down an be a huge mess!

For those following the Yoyo progress here is what I have completed.  See the line of light purple ones sort of in the middle....well everything above that I did waiting for buses this last 180 school days.  254 first semester, 215 second....I will still take about another year and a half of waiting to finish all that I will need.  Oh and I plan to make one, and just one everyday of the summer so that will be another 89.  And it is a good thing I will be in some fashion waiting for regular school buses for the next 6 years anyway!  I think next will come a hand done Cathedral window quilt...but I am getting ahead of myself!!

The beginning of summer art projects.  This was just using primary colors and a spin art machine.  I love this and am looking for lots of fun things to do with it!  Including tee shirts and plain fabric, plus I have the plans to make a big one that could spin whole canvases!

I am also trying to weave more, most days I get 5 shots in.  Today I did, but all too soon it will be too hot and sticky to work with temperamental mohair that is what 2/3 of this piece is.  So I do what I can while I can.

I managed to make the clothes that I will be adding solution to that will become then reusable dryer sheets, also a bin full that can be used for dusting, bathrooms or faces.  All I need to do now is partner the solutions to the finished clothes.  I still have a bunch to stitch but I know I will be happy once they are done!  

Have a great Friday night!  I have much to accomplish once my 3 year old goes to sleep!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Another tee

I made this tee for my cousin's son for his 6th birthday.  He loves Nightmare Before Christmas, and well it is nearly impossible to find stuff from that  movie for a 6 year old.  I think it turned out pretty good.  

I am starting to work on a new project that I will do bit by bit, though this one needs done faster.  It is a hexagon quilt.  I am still just planing it right now, and it will require just over 1300 hexagons.  So I will start working on it in about another month or so.  I have continued to work on the yoyos....it will probably take another year of waiting for the bus to actually get them all done.  For now I have 4 quilt tops that just need quilted and another that just needs the embroidery (Billy Joel) before quilting.  Plus all of the other stuff I want to accomplish and all of the other things that I must do.  

For now tonight I am looking at embroidering Stupefied, Velvet and Stupendous....possibly Verse.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More then a few

This is a tee shirt that I made for my niece who will be starting kindergarten in the fall.  It was for her birthday which was mid March.

I have continued Yoyos every day as I sit for the bus both in the morning and afternoon.  I have not counted them since the semester...I still have 4 1/2 more weeks before school is over for the summer.  I'll let you know.

Over the summer we will be doing color theory in this house as none of my boys could tell me what colors to mix with paint to get brown!  This is basic elementary color theory and paint lessons!

So get ready for a summer of crazy posts about insanity in my home while I do projects and go on day trips with my children!!  Before that starts though I have 2 rooms to finish painting so that I can get the toys out of the basement and front room!  Much to do!  Much to do!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

first time for zero

First time to see a zero on the gauge that tells me how many miles until I run out of gas....and where was I?  In the school parking lot where I wait for buses to take my sons in opposite directions to their schools.  What did I do?  Threw it into drive and headed the 1/2 mile to the nearest gas station....we made it but that then meant I had to drive my kindergartener to school.  Had I stayed in the drop off lane he would have been late....so I parked to walk him into the building, uneventful and he made it fine.....however....I almost got hit THREE times while getting out of the parking lot as in 3 other cars almost hit me backing out!!  

Yep, I will sit in my small lot waiting for the buses and making yoyos for the rest of the semester thank you!  Well over 300 at this point!

Yesterday was Leap Day, this is the cake I made for my sister's boyfriend's birthday.  The frogs for Leap Day, yes frogs not aliens.  And I learned that I think Wilton Candy Melts are a nasty, nasty invention!  Just my opinion.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My View and Words

 I am starting a photo a day challenge.  I started yesterday since it was the first of the month.  But I did not get them posted.  Yesterday was "My View" it started with my thermometer reading 48 degrees at just after 7 am.

Waiting for the bus with the crossing guard, it has been a very long while since the boys got to hang out with him.  So long in fact that he forgot that he had Tootsie Rolls in his pocket until after the first bus had left.

I decided to take my walk since it seemed so, well warm.  Though by the end of the 5 miles my 2 year old's hands were pretty cold since she refused to wear her gloves for most of the walk.

There is my view for 5 miles....it really does not get much better then that!  Oh and yes that is Clawdette the werewolf and also a small cat/dog animal that belongs to Deuce (Medusa's son from the same Monster High collection) They came with us.

This is the beginning of my soon to me 6 year old's birthday shirt.  I'll post the 2 I did last week for the now 8 year olds. How are my tiny ones 8!  It is a blink!

Todays photo was words by the way...this is what I am working on with another of the quilt tops pieced by my great-grandmother and found at my grandmother's after she had died.  Given to me to finish for my sons.  This one has spells from Harry Potter on it.  It is for my tallest 8 year old.

I continue yoyos, I am pretty sure I am already into multiple dozen since the semester started.  The next bedroom color has been chosen, Orange Marmalade....it is even bought and in my kitchen.  I just need to get some more work done to get the room cleaned out before I can start to paint.  Hopefully next week, after I have a birthday party for 3 of my children!

Enjoy some thoughts, what have you done since last I posted?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


 Tutus in progress...they are finished, I need to take a picture of the one that lives at my house.
 Tees to go with the tutus.  I think they are pretty cute actually.  The Bossy R belongs to Gretchen and is from the Electric Company.  The other ones are from Midsummer's Night's Dream.  They are gifts as well.

This is the total of the yo yos I have made this fall.  The square (almost) is the 90 that if I had made one each day of school so far is where I would be.  The rest are just well...more.  Total....yep 254!  So I guess I am well past my goal of 180 by the end of the school year and getting close to the 2 a day goal of 360.  But this is what you can do in a semester of waiting for school buses.....kind of makes me a bit crazy that I have spent 2 years waiting for the bell to ring when it was raining or too cold to walk....what could I have done then?!  But that is over now what can I accomplish just in those short times between now and the time that Gretchen is a 4th grader?!  The yo yo quilt, obviously, maybe a cathedral window and a grandma's flower garden.  We'll see for now it is one yo yo at a time.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January First

Playroom almost halfway painted, so
moving will begin...

All of the leaves on Vega's quilt have been, well quilted
have begun the Dogwood blossoms.

Nope she has not arrived

Yoyos only worked on one afternoon at BK while watching our kids play in the play structure....at the semester I'll let you know how far ahead of 90 I am.

too many Christmas cookies still at my house

too much cleaning to be done this week since kids have been home for nearly 2 weeks...

and where did those 13 days go?  My goodness they flew!

More blogging this year and 

Banish the Beige!