Monday, September 26, 2011

Just one...picture

These mushrooms are growing in my yard.  Yes I live within a short drive to a Great I should not be seeing these in the end of September.  However Mother Nature has had different plans for such things.  My tomatoes are not ripening and now are racing a killing frost, I am praying we can make to it October 15th before we turn on the furnace....the yard needs a huge clean up of small branches and my husband should not be mowing every week because it gets too long.  However since we are 20 inches above average in rainfall this year what more can I expect.  It has meant that many an afternoon that I would have spent pulling weeds and cleaning up the yard have been spent inside working on other the embroidery on the quilt top I am working on right now.  It looks like this part might be done in a matter of days.  Next a baby quilt and handprint wreaths to finish for Christmas presents.  yep already thinking about those.  Hopefully pictures will be more cooperative tomorrow.  

Todays just one yoyo was completed in the rain while waiting for school busses, picture is in the camera.  What was your weather like today to do your just one?

1 comment:

  1. Today's weather is short sleeves and sunshine. (me? Im inside my office looking at it through the window)
    But... yesterday's just one was 2 miles on the bike and 2 miles on the eliptical.....finally seeing some results to all these little one things that I have been doing daily..... :)
