Friday, September 30, 2011

End of the rainy day

8 kids
6 boys
2 girls 
under 13
18 beers

Friday night date night with friends

Oh and a few more stitches done on the superman quilt.  

Before date night I cut apples for second grade Marvelous Month celebration, and worked some more on said quilt.

Tomorrow brings soccer, brownie and gingerbread making, Fall Festival at the second graders' school, and laundry.  Hopefully

5 shots 
and may be, just may be a moment to myself!

What does your weekend look to be shaping up to?

Rainy day...a few more "ones"

one yo yo, 5 shots, and a bit of quilting the just ones that I try to do every day to add up to something big in a length of time.  For yo yos it is the 180 school  days of this year, the weaving it is unclear how much longer it will take...and the quilts need to be done before my kids get to big for them.  But will go on hold when I can begin the quilt for my niece, who is expected in January!

So the pictures so far today....
2 glow in the dark ceiling stars and a piece of a heddle (the "needle part of the center of a loom) that got in the way of the weaving going smoothly...removed and all is well.

The 5 shots so far.  I marked the beginning yesterday so that as I move up you can judge what has been accomplished...and the day that I cut this piece off the loom I can remind myself of what 5 shots a day can do!!

Box tops to process...each one gives a school 10 cents.  It adds up fast, just like the just ones here and each click on an ad as you read!

The papers that are sent home from the schools, each is worth one dollar!

Took a bit (45 minutes) but they are done and all of the others are cut and prepped to go on the pages that will come back next week!

I don't mend, I don't put buttons back on things, I don't repair zippers...I just don't.  However I do mend stuffed animals and well I suppose dolls too.  This is Jessie (of Toy Story 2 and 3 fame) she needed some mending.  So another just one that made one of my children happy!

All fixed!  Now it is time for a bit of lunch and some quilt time.  Then off to cut apples for second graders and then waiting to see interim are we that far into the school year already?  Well 50(ish) yo yos should give me an idea on that one!

Check back to see what I accomplish the rest of the day!  And to let me know what you have accomplished as well!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Phinedroid and Ferbots

Todays Just one.....2 yoyos, one this morning one this afternoon. embroidery...riend in me, marking of Phinedroid and Ferbots (the song) on the border of superman quilt with Crayola Gel markers (they are washable!) the rest of the embroidery so far is Phinedr...there will be more because I am watching Grey's and next is Private Practice.  I am pretty sure I will end up crying during that one.  But for now it is time for a cup of tea as my throat is really sore and I must deal with that before I can do anymore tonight.

I very special thanks to all of you for continuing to read and have faith in my process.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just another Wednesday...

The 8 Yoyos done yesterday and today at the bus stop. It has blossomed to much more then just one a day I'd say.  I may just have enough for a full sized Yo yo quilt at the end of the school year.

This will help...

This is the basket of completed Yo yos.  It is a Longenburger Darning basket, for those of you that might know the size.  Probably 10-12 inches across and 6 inches tall...not sure how many it is holding but there are a lot!

And no I am not putting the ones I make at the bus stop (or soccer practice or waiting for Boy Scouts or whatever) in this basket, I have a different place for them so at the end of the year I can photo what they look like.

5 shots...well this actually shows 14 shots.  It is the weft in a weave the cross threads.  I would love to spend hours at my loom, however it is also used as a 2 year olds personal indoor jungle gym and an experiment of touch and move for 3 too often I have to spend a while fixing what they have changed or damaged before I can actually get to weaving.  But I love it, even though this piece has been on my loom for more then a decade now.  But 5 shots a day will get it done much faster then no shots a day.  I'll let you know on this progress too, and when it is done you will see it.

This is my loom.  It is a LeClerc, 60 inches of weaving space.  It works really well, someday there are some additions I would like to make, but not the computer operated part as I really want no part of that!!  It is like the big expensive sewing machines, no desire for one of those either.  One of mine only sews forward and back not eve a zig zag and I love it!!

And I needed to share the coloring of my 2 year old...ok full disclosure she is 2 1/2 but still!  Yes that is some super hero, no I do not know which one.  And yes she is using a regular colored pencil.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just a

This is the bread that well...flopped on Sunday.  Not entirely sure why, it was a new recipe and it did include buttermilk.  It may have needed to come up to room temp before making it, but the recipe did not say anything like that.

This is the nearly empty crock pot from my chicken pot pie also from Sunday....that was my new recipe success for that day. It's 

me and (part of) y

These were a few of the pictures I took over the weekend that for some crazy Mac reason I could not access.  Today was 4 yoyos, the last two done while rain was threatening.  A few letters of embroidery and when I am done putting kids to bed 5 shots.  So a good day I think.  Plus Mother NAture blessed me with a very nice sunshiny day, well until 3 or so.  I can only hope that tomorrow is as nice!  Tomatoes might actually ripen!

Mess...or inspiration?!

This was sitting next to me this morning on the arm of the couch, until I took it off to put the cover back on....after the last time it was washed to deal with a spill or accident or whatever.  This is the floss that I am using on the quilt you have seen bits of.  When it is done you will see the whole thing.  I will also be using the red on a holiday gift that I will start making this week.  Today has been cleaning and cookie baking and a 5 mile walk.  This afternoon includes enchilada making, school pick up, homework, family dinner and sending 2 boys off with their dad for their first Cub Scout meeting.  Somewhere in there will fall a couple of more yoyos (2 already made this morning waiting for the busses) some more embroidery...and marking the rest to do, and the big


at least 5 shots!

For those that know me for real you know this is weaving!  I'll post a couple of pictures of the project that has been on my loom for nearly a decade.  check back later for my just ones that won't need redone tomorrow!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just one...picture

These mushrooms are growing in my yard.  Yes I live within a short drive to a Great I should not be seeing these in the end of September.  However Mother Nature has had different plans for such things.  My tomatoes are not ripening and now are racing a killing frost, I am praying we can make to it October 15th before we turn on the furnace....the yard needs a huge clean up of small branches and my husband should not be mowing every week because it gets too long.  However since we are 20 inches above average in rainfall this year what more can I expect.  It has meant that many an afternoon that I would have spent pulling weeds and cleaning up the yard have been spent inside working on other the embroidery on the quilt top I am working on right now.  It looks like this part might be done in a matter of days.  Next a baby quilt and handprint wreaths to finish for Christmas presents.  yep already thinking about those.  Hopefully pictures will be more cooperative tomorrow.  

Todays just one yoyo was completed in the rain while waiting for school busses, picture is in the camera.  What was your weather like today to do your just one?

Just one annoyance

I am having trouble seeing the newest pictures I have uploaded from the last couple of days!  I have them, and I will post them as soon as I can access them.  

It is raining again today....which will mean several yoyos finished when I go to pick up the boys from the bus stop.  I need to get a moment (maybe really like 5) when it is not pouring to go get the tomatoes from the garden so that I can make some more sauce.  Cookies need made for lunches tomorrow, just regular chocolate chip week will start Halloween ones.  Enjoy a rainy day if you are near me and whatever weather you have where you are!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A bit more

Pictures are not cooperating idea why.  Today I tried a new chicken pot pie recipe in the crock pot...complete success, well nearly 2 of my kids were a pain to eat it but it is always that way.  AS for embroidery....way I do It's me and y (most of the y so far)

I have big plans for the week...we'll see how they go, hopefully a few of said plans will stay done!   

Comment on what your plans are...what your one things are.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

No pictures

No pictures today...embroidered 3 letters today.   Big..that's it every other thing I did today will be redone, tomorrow, the next day or next week!  That is what happens on Saturdays, or laundry days.  But every little bit counts, right?!  What did you do today....

Friday, September 23, 2011


These two were made this morning while I sat in the van in the rain waiting for the boys busses to come.  This is what I will be doing all winter as well.  There really is no place that is sheltered that they can be waiting for said busses.  I also made one this afternoon...sorry no picture of that one.

What did I do the rest of the day?  I embroidered on the Superman quilt, I colored with Gretchen, I read stories, I snuggled with a 2 year old.

Just one, just one of those things would have made a difference to a child in my world.  It makes the rest worth it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Update on Yoyos and some blue toes

The green one is from yesterday the other two from today.  It is the 22nd day of school (I am only counting school days here to get to the 180) and I have 32 yoyos in my basket.  There may have been a few more that have been lost as I keep catching my youngest son and daughter playing with them.  Good thing they have not discovered the basket that has several hundred in it!!  SOme day a picture of that.

Nothing is better then a 2 year olds pedicure when she picks her own color.  Though it was ruined when I put a second coat on it in the stroller while waiting for her brothers and she could not sit still.  So we try again tomorrow.  

My just ones are adding up to something...32, now just to add a few picks of a weaving project along with the embroidery and also to get back to the endeavor of learning to crochet.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It only takes a moment

It only takes a moment to appreciate what is good in your world.  One of my friends from college has again reminded me of this.  15 months ago she lost her mother in a well fought battle with cancer.  Nearly 9 months ago she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer herself...after grueling rounds of chemo she is on the mend.  Yesterday she lost her dad after a very short illness!  She is an only child and at 39 that was not enough time!  She does have a wonderful husband and three of the most darling children ever, but who are much too young to have lost both of those grandparents!  

Just a moment to appreciate the wonderful parts of your world...I get to watch Dora with my daughter and have her learn about rainbows and unicorns today instead of walking 5 miles which she does not enjoy quite as much as I do.  

Take just a moment to appreciate those you have.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Few days of just one...

A project for a second grade classroom.  I cut out all 24 sets of the green triangles and then punched the holes into all of them.  Then I put them on the rings and wrote the kids names on 2 blank ones.  I will deliver this class worth tomorrow on my walk...hopefully!

The two blue ones were from today, multi from yesterday waiting for the busses. I am right on track to have 180 or more by the end of the school year...and if I do a couple every soccer game and dentist appointment and all of the rest I will have even more.

This is from soccer on I guess I will add more then a few by the end of the year.

This is what I started with....from my own garden, which I did not think I was going to get anything with how late I managed to put in my second round of tomatoes after the first ones got eaten and then I could not find our cages so they are this mass of tangled vines.

Using a Martha Stewart simple tomato sauce recipe...just some garlic and salt/pepper.  I can add more for spaghetti or pizza sauce as I choose.  Oh and I did not skin them only because I pureed them anyway.

These are the jars that will go in the freezer.  They are Ball brand just like regular canning jars but designed for the freezer.  I don't have much pantry space but I do have freezer space.

This is the new batch of tomatoes after I made the first batch of sauce.  Tomorrow there will be more, I'll make more sauce....and I'll have to get more jars or freezer bags.

So there is my few days of just ones....

Friday, September 16, 2011

It is in the mail....

Most literally...the quilt is in the mail.  I hate this time, I have only actually shipped 2 quilts now and I really don't like to do it.  This was the first day that I did not get an whole yoyo done waiting for the bus.  Busses ran early both in the morning and the afternoon today.  

Every single part of the house that I had picked up got destroyed by small people glad I could photo a quilt that they can not undo, nearly finish a single yoyo, and work some more on the embroidery on the quilt for my curly haired second grader.  It is those things that make it ok to have everything else undone faster then I can keep up!  What are those things for you?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

So close and so much

So close to the bottom of my well...I am exhausted today.  

I need to get a label on a quilt that I am finished with other then that.  Then I need to photo it and ship!  But the writing of the label is thwarting me for now. 

Today is my husband's birthday, I made him German Chocolate cupcakes...don't get excited they were from a mix and the frosting from a jar.  

I did make one yoyo while bus waiting and am working on the embroidery on the other quilt top.  I also am starting to think about a quilt top that I will actually get paid to make.  Though it is made with some nonconventional fabric...Crown bags.  We'll see and trust me I'll post about it.

I also spent some time in a kindergarten classroom writing stories about itsy bitsy spiders and in a second grade classroom putting together math fact triangles.  I have more work to do with those...but not tonight.  Tonight is finishing this quilt so I can ship tomorrow!

Did you do just one thing today that you don't have to redo tomorrow?!  If so what was it?  Some time someone will leave an answer to that.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Two today, two yesterday

These are my yoyos.  Today turned out much different then I had planned, it was fine but different.  Tomorrow needs to be a day that I completely finish a quilt project.  You do not get to see the finished product until I know it is in the hands of the future owner.  But soon.  I got more red embroidery floss today, also blue and yellow, to continue work on the quilt you saw a snippet of the other day.  

I love Project Runway!  Those are my moments today

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just this...

Carrot cake from scratch with home made cream cheese frosting for my sister's 43rd birthday.  Since it was over 80 the frosting was melting...I have not mastered the melty part of cream cheese frosting.  The flavor is wonderful, but it needs work!  

Also 2 yoyos while I waited for the busses.  After I thought for 20 minutes that my kindergartener was missing!  Due to a computer error, uggg!  Nearly full blown panic attack insued....but all was well 20 minutes later.  

Also every bed in my home has clean sheets, and my total number of steps for the day was over 20,000!!  What about you?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Two for today

Two yoyos today, the busses were late.  I also listened to a friend talk through some processing of where her world needs to go next.  Went to the grocery store.  Got the ingredients for a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for my sister's birthday cake.  Made lasagna for dinner.  And put a quilt in the washer.  Tomorrow it will get a label, be photographed and hopefully be in a box to go to a friend.  Those are my little bits for today....what did you do?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You've got t

This is what I embroidered while spending the afternoon at my In Laws' house.  This is a quilt top pieced by my great grand mother, found by my grandmother and found again by my mother and given to me.  There are 3 of these, two identical (like this one) and one pieced on point using the same fabric.  Who were they meant for, probably my mother's 3 brothers....but seriously I have a set of twins and another son, who should get them, well me!  I am embroidering on each of them and they each got to pick out a border fabric.  You'll see more as they are worked on, but only what I complete that day until they are finished...something to make you check back in ever once in a while.

I must acknowledge that today is September 11th 2011, the 10th anniversary.  I know that I felt a little better with a quilt top on my lap working quietly on something that will comfort one of my sons in the future.  What one thing did you do today that will make a difference to someone in some way?

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Being the mom of 4 small children I spent a lot of time waiting.  Waiting for the bus, waiting for the doctor/dentist, waiting for soccer practice, waiting, waiting, waiting.  One Yo-yo takes me about 5 minutes to make.  One yo-yo is not a big commitment, but a whole yo-yo quilt (which could take thousands) is a pretty big one.  But if I make one yo-yo everyday while I wait for the buses to arrive 2 blocks from my house to deposit my elementary school aged sons, well I will have 180 by the last day of school.  If I did 2, well you can do the math.  So one single yo-yo a day may seem insignificant but 180 (or 360) not something to sneeze at.

What was the one thing you did today that done every day would add up to something amazing?