Thursday, January 12, 2012


 Tutus in progress...they are finished, I need to take a picture of the one that lives at my house.
 Tees to go with the tutus.  I think they are pretty cute actually.  The Bossy R belongs to Gretchen and is from the Electric Company.  The other ones are from Midsummer's Night's Dream.  They are gifts as well.

This is the total of the yo yos I have made this fall.  The square (almost) is the 90 that if I had made one each day of school so far is where I would be.  The rest are just well...more.  Total....yep 254!  So I guess I am well past my goal of 180 by the end of the school year and getting close to the 2 a day goal of 360.  But this is what you can do in a semester of waiting for school buses.....kind of makes me a bit crazy that I have spent 2 years waiting for the bell to ring when it was raining or too cold to walk....what could I have done then?!  But that is over now what can I accomplish just in those short times between now and the time that Gretchen is a 4th grader?!  The yo yo quilt, obviously, maybe a cathedral window and a grandma's flower garden.  We'll see for now it is one yo yo at a time.....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January First

Playroom almost halfway painted, so
moving will begin...

All of the leaves on Vega's quilt have been, well quilted
have begun the Dogwood blossoms.

Nope she has not arrived

Yoyos only worked on one afternoon at BK while watching our kids play in the play the semester I'll let you know how far ahead of 90 I am.

too many Christmas cookies still at my house

too much cleaning to be done this week since kids have been home for nearly 2 weeks...

and where did those 13 days go?  My goodness they flew!

More blogging this year and 

Banish the Beige!